Resetting your password through your Vestwell employer portal is very simple, follow the steps below:
Login to your Vestwell Employer portal
- Select the 'My Company' tab
- From here select the 'Security' section
- Then select the 'Reset Password' option
- Enter your current account password, then select 'Send Reset Link'
- A password reset link will be sent to your account email
- Select the 'Create New Password' link and set your new password
- Type the same password twice to confirm it, then click on 'Save New Password'
Please note, that if you do not reset your password in time, you will be able to request a new password reset link.
Vestwell requires that each password meet the following criteria:
- Avoid context-specific words (eg. username, email)
- Have at least 10 characters
- Avoid obvious and simple English words
- Have at least 1 number
- Have at least 1 special character
- Avoid repetitive characters (eg. aaaa,1234,aaaa4321)