Company Tab
Through the "Company" page, you can do the following:
- Update company information.
- Update payment settings, including the ability to add, edit, or delete payment methods.
- Add or edit admin team members.
Company Info Tab
Use this tab to update your company information.
Bank Accounts Tab
In this section, you will be able to manage the settings of your bank account and/or fee payment method. You may:
- Add a new bank account by selecting the Add Bank Account button.
- Update existing bank information by selecting the Update button.
- Delete existing accounts by selecting the Delete Account button.
- Choose your fee payment method by selecting the Manage Fees Payment button.
- Edit your pay groups and their payment method by selecting the Manage Pay Groups button.
Note: If you would like to use a different payment method or update an existing non-bank account payment method for fee payments, please contact
Manage Admin Team Tab
In this tab, add additional team members as admin. Also, edit or remove current admin members.
If you have any questions, please reach out to