Bulk Adding Employees

As new employees join your company, you are required to add them to your Vestwell program. 

To get started select the 'Add Employee' button on the main employee screen, from here you can choose to add employees manually or through file upload. 


Adding Employees Manually 

Once you have selected the 'Add Employee' button on the main employee screen. A grid will display the information fields, all mandatory fields will have an asterisk. 


Fill out the required fields SSN/ITIN, name, date of birth, full physical address, and date of hire. If there are any errors in the employee data the fields will highlight in red and you will be required to correct the data to enable the 'Save & Continue' button. 


Once you have entered all your employee's information select the 'Save & Continue' button.

You will then see a success message indicating your new employees have been added. 


Adding Employees By File Upload

Once you have selected the 'Add Employee' button on the main employee screen select the 'Upload File' option, you will then be able to select your employee file. 


When creating your employee file please consider these requirements for the best experience:

  • Your file must be in Excel or CSV format
  • Your file is required to contain the following columns:
    • SSN/ITIN
    • First Name 
    • Last Name
    • Birthdate
    • Physical Address
    • Physical City
    • Physical State
    • Physical Zip Code
    • Date of Hire

Once your file has been uploaded you will see your employee's information populated in the grid you may then select the 'Save & Continue' button.


If there are any errors in the employee data the fields will highlight in red and you will be required to correct the data to enable the 'Save & Continue' button. 


You will then see a success message indicating your new employees have been added. 



What Happens After My Employees Are Added?

After you receive the success message and you return to the main employee's page you will see your added employees listed. The eligibility status for the newly added employees will be listed as 'Pending' until eligibility is confirmed. 


What Happens If I Add An Employee That Already Exists In The Plan?

Vestwell has a validation process in place to ensure someone with the same SSN is not added twice. Only new employees will be added.

Can I Use The Bulk Upload Feature To Edit Existing Employees?

Before your plan is moved to an Active status...

You may upload a file with existing participants and we will edit their information (name, address, date of hire, hours, etc.) with the new information in the file. 

Note that you cannot edit SSNs via this feature, any new SSN will be considered a new participant. 

After your plan is switched to Active status...

Information for existing participants will be locked and will no longer be editable.


Please note our platform does not permit end users from deleting any records of Plan participants.

If you have questions about removing employees or need additional assistance please contact us at clientsuccess@vestwell.com