Onboarding - What You Need to Know

Note: Vestwell’s onboarding process has been updated as of 6/17. We are currently refreshing the below instructions and materials to reflect the update. We thank you for your patience!

This article will explore the Onboarding section of the advisor portal in detail.

Log into your Vestwell advisor portal and navigate to the "Onboarding" tab by selecting the roller cart icon on the left of your screen. 

On this page, you can view your plans and their onboarding status. Plans will be grouped by “Starter Plans” and “Conversion Plans.”

This will allow you to check on your plans that are currently in the onboarding process and the sections that need to be completed:

Onboarding Task Tracker

You may view the employer onboarding questionnaire for a plan by selecting the arrow icon underneath “Task Tracker” column. This questionnaire is what we send to the employer to obtain important company information during the onboarding process. You can view their progress here and assist if needed. 

Here are links from our employer help center that cover the step-by-step process the employer must complete. 

We hope this article is helpful to you. If you have any questions or require further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at onboarding@vestwell.com.