My Plan Page

My Plan Page Video Walkthrough

Learn more about your plan's investment options and required annual testing.

The “My Plan” page of your employer portal includes five tabs:

    1. Documents
    2. Investment Comparison
    3. Annual Testing
    4. Forfeiture
    5. Invoices

1. Documents

Plan documents pertaining to the makeup and function of your plan, such as your plan's adoption agreement and plan highlights, are found here. Plan filings, like your plan form 5500 from the previous plan year(s), can also be found on this page. 

The sponsor disclosures section contains any plan amendments and fee notices. Notices and forms sent out in communication to the employees in the plan can be found in the participant notices section. 

Documents Page

2. Investment Comparison

Visit this section for detailed information about the investments offered in your company’s plan, such as their expense ratios and performance data.

Investment Comparison Page

3. Annual Testing

Annual testing refers to the required compliance testing all plans must undergo at the end of a plan year. Depending on how your plan is set up, you may need to use this section of your portal to submit and review information for testing and track your testing status. For more information on year-end testing, click here.

  • Testing Status: This section shows your status during the year-end testing process. 
    • Initial Data Collection: In this stage, we are waiting for you to submit your year-end census, questionnaire responses, and principal employee.
    • Data Review: At this point, Vestwell is reviewing your data to look for discrepancies or missing information. This process will take about two weeks. If we find anything we need your input on, we will let you know.
    • Test Execution: In the final stage, Vestwell runs tests on the data you submitted.
  • Year-End Task Tracker: This shows which tasks you must complete during year-end testing.
  • Documents for Review: Vestwell has provided these documents for you to review. Any action items relating to these documents will be communicated to you directly.
  • Documents for Vestwell: Upload any additional documents that have been requested here. If you have not been asked to provide any additional documents, you do not need to do anything.

Annual Testing Page

4. Forfeiture 

Forfeitures are the non-vested portion of an employee’s account that they leave behind when taking a plan distribution, such as after separation of employment. Those leftover account balances are moved to the plan’s forfeiture account. Depending on your plan documents, you may use your forfeitures to:

  • Offset employer contributions
  • Offset plan fees

In the “Forfeiture” tab of your employer portal, you will see:

  • Your forfeiture balance
  • Your forfeiture usage settings
  • Your forfeiture transactions

Forfeiture Page

To learn more, visit our "Forfeitures" article. 

5. Invoices

The fifth page on the “My Plan” page is the “Invoices” page. From this page, you will be able to:

  • View recent invoices
  • View all historical invoices by easily filtering by time period

Note: You will only be able to view invoices from Q1 2024 and onward. 

Vestwell Invoices Page

Invoices underneath “Recent” are ordered by date, from most recent to oldest. To view a recent invoice, click on View. This will pull up a PDF version of the invoice. 

Viewing Invoices

To find historical invoices through filtering, click on the dropdown arrow under “Period.” Select the year in which you are searching for. All invoices from that year will be listed underneath “Documents.” To view an invoice, click on the PDF button next to the corresponding invoice. 

If you have any difficulties locating invoices, please contact