Saver (Participant) Statement Overview

What Is A Saver (Participant) Statement?

A Participant Statement is a report that provides an overview of your retirement account's activity.

When Is The Saver (Participant) Statement Available?

Participant Statements are generated on a quarterly basis. A Participant Statement report is generated if:

  • A saver (participant) had a balance on the first date of the quarter OR
  • A saver had a balance on the last day of the quarter OR
  • A saver had a transaction with a trade date on or between the first date of the quarter and the last date of the quarter

This report is provided in a PDF format that savers can access through their Vestwell portal.

**Savers will also receive an email when the report becomes available after the end of each quarter.

How Do I Find My Saver (Participant) Statement? 

You can access the report through the link in your email notification or you can find it directly on your Vestwell Savers portal.

Click on the 'Plans' tab this will bring you to your 'Documents' screen where you can find your most recent and older Participant Statements.


What's Included In The Saver (Participant) Statement?

The Saver (Participant) Statement includes:

  • Account Balance Summary 
  • Account Activity Overview
  • Outstanding Loans (if any)
  • Investments Overview